Turn thinking into doing - Interview

We lie to ourselves. 

We tell ourselves that we’re not creative. 

And that might work for a while, but sometimes life brings situations far outside our control (i.e., Global Pandemics) where we have no other option but to create. 

To create connection.

To create hope.

To create positivity.

To create new ways of working.

To create new ways of being.

But even though creativity is in all of us, not all of us are clear on knowing how to guide our creativity through the process from that wild pie-in-the-sky idea to the moment it’s brought to life.

Sat down (and by sat down I mean had a zoom call) with Abigail Plonkey, Founder and Chief Experience Curator at Maximalist and the Mastermind behind Thrice Pop Up, to gain and share insight into the creative process through her eyes.

Here is some of her wisdom...


"With creativity, there is no cut and dry. It's a sense of freedom of you have, and there are no guardrails.

Creativity starts with a spark. A thought; an idea, and ideas can come from anywhere and everywhere. 

Ideas can come from travel, exploration, dreams, fashion, colors, design in all aspects. It can come from something you read. A conversation you had. Something you felt, saw, heard, tasted. Be engaged and receptive to your surroundings.

Not all ideas come easy though. Some you have to think about, and for me, I start macro, and really big picture. 

In the initial ideation phase, don’t judge yourself. Your idea is still in a very fragile state. You haven’t done the work to see it to fruition yet, it’s just an idea at this point, so wrapping it in judgement kills it.

Put the ideas that truly move or inspire you somewhere. Said another way, store your ideas. Notebook, doodle book, white board, app, whatever you prefer is fine. 

Ideas are opportunity…if you choose to act on them.

After I get an initial spark, and jot down my ideas. What’s next, for me, is discovery.

This is where you dig a little deeper. Actually, a lottle deeper. Creativity requires research and exploration. 

All ideas have layers, and the discovery phase is where you begin layering. 

The first layer is always your why.

Why this idea?

What is the purpose of it?

Why is this idea impactful? 

What is the end goal?

Document and approach discovery with curiosity.

Ask yourself questions. Mine out as much as you can based on asking yourself open ended questions, and document it somehow.

In my career, a large part of my creative focus is directed towards branding & design for a lot of restaurants.

I really lean on the five senses as a ground work for building out the type of experience I’m trying to bring to life.

What do I want people to hear? What do I want them to see? What do I want the atmosphere to smell like? How will the place feel physically (textures, seats, walls, etc.)? What will people taste?

This all ultimately leads to how I want someone to feel. And this all stems from the original idea, and your why behind it. From this you derive all other details that reinforce the core.

The biggest thing for me is when I think I’m done, I go through this process one more time. I ask myself ‘Is this the absolute best I can put out?’

It’s an Iterative process and it constantly evolves and changes. 

Whatever the idea, just don’t let it be normal.

Branding, DesignAbigail Plonkey